I can hardly believe that my son turned 23 on Sunday. I'll always picture him as a little towheaded boy.
He truly is the best kid. We grew up together since I had him so young. He taught me to use my voice. When I realized he had autism, I knew I couldn't remain quiet & shy. I had to stick up for my son, and stick up I did.
I cannot begin to tell you how terrifying it is to realize something is going on with your child that you cannot easily fix. But I read many books, talked to many doctors, and we figured out a plan to help Tommy thrive.
Throughout everything, he always remained a respectful and kind human being. Teachers would tell me they wish there were more students like Tommy. I raised him to be respectful.
I also raised him to have an imagination. I told him yes, good grades were important, but if there was no imagination, it wasn't worth it.
He has an Associate's Degree in Video Cinematography. Next year he'll have a Bachelor's Degree in Film & Media. He has a beautiful imagination.
One of his favorite spots to eat is Texas Roadhouse, so we went there to celebrate. Many rolls were consumed.
He doesn't like a lot of icing, so he requested a chocolate bundt cake for his birthday.
He said he enjoyed his birthday. I'm always happy when I can see him.
I hope one day he'll be able to find a job in the movie business. He certainly is talented and driven enough. I always love to see what he creates.
How is Tommy 23? How is that even possible? I've been reading your blog off and on since he was all tiny and my brain can't wrap around the idea of an adult Tommy. You must be so proud of him!