Sunday, September 29, 2024

We Had To Get A New Car

Remember when I wrote about the car accident?

Well, it turns out the car was deemed totaled. Something about the framing and the roof. I don't know. I don't really speak car. I just know that I called the shop where it was at after I saw the notice from my insurance and pleaded with them to just fix my car.

That's when the guy said it wasn't possible. 

I wanted to cry.

Actually, I did cry. I loved my car. It was a beautiful 2020 Honda Insight with leather seats and a push start. 

And I had to say goodbye. 

I went to gather all my stuff from it. There wasn't much because I didn't treat her like a trash can. I treated her with respect. 

It sucked walking away from that car. I truly loved it. 

My insurance paid out what it was worth. Obviously it was a 2020 so I didn't get what I paid for the car which means I couldn't get a new one. Actually, I couldn't get a new one because they stopped making Honda Insights in 2022. 

Now, I love Hondas, but the ones I liked were out of my price range. I did not want any car payments. My Insight was all paid off. 

The Hondas I liked, well, I couldn't afford. So I went with Toyota. I had a 1998 Toyota Corolla back in the day that was nice. Dependable. 

Going to the dealership is always an adventure. I know the dealers have a job, but honestly, the whole act gives me a headache. 

At the dealership I always think of that song that Fiona sings in Shrek: The Musical. "And the waiting, the waiting, the waiting.."

I wrote about how to buy a car before. Basically, hold your ground. Stick with your price range and never, ever take the first offer.

Make them work for your business.

Odds are, they won't want you to walk away, especially if you've already spent hours there. Time is money.

I sent the dealer back 3 times without guilt. No, if I'm spending a crap ton of money, I'm getting what I want. 

Finally, we agreed on a price and here's my car:

She's a 2024 Toyota Corolla. LE edition. 

Nothing terribly fancy. No more leather seats. 

No more push start. 

No more remote start. I have a key again which let me tell you, is something I've had to get used to. I keep going to push and then remember, oh yeah, I don't have that car anymore. 

But it's okay. The Corolla is pretty and works well. However, I will always miss my Honda Insight. 

And the bottom line?

No car payments. 


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