Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Crocs Happy Meal At McDonalds

I'll be honest, I rarely wear Crocs. 

My daughter has 2 pairs, and I'll sometimes slip them on if I need to take the trash out, but they've really appealed to me. 

I also have flat feet so walking around in Crocs would certainly make me ache. 


I found myself drawn to the Crocs McDonald's has in their Happy Meals. Maybe because they're McDonald's themed, and I am a huge fan of McDonald's. I know people are like, ew unhealthy, ew, do you know what's IN their food? To which I reply, as I stick one of their delicious fries in my mouth: "I do not care." And then I grab their crisp Diet Coke and wash the fry down.


Yes, this week McDonald's has released mini Croc Happy Meal toys. You can collect them all and they clip on your bag. 

Even better? My Happy Meal was FREE because I have the app and have earned enough points. 

The Croc comes wrapped up so it makes it seem like you have a little gift. Plus there's stickers! You can stick them on the Croc or annoy someone and secretly put them on their back.

Here's all the different styles of Crocs:

And people are taking it seriously collecting these. I notice in my local groups that they're asking what style certain stores are passing out. Me? I'll probably just have the one. 

So which style did I get?

I like it! It's made well and isn't flimsy, which is good, because I can be rather violent as I carry my bag at times. I also get caught in doors and such. I don't know how it happens, but it does. 

Here is my Croc clicked to my bag. It shares a spot with Anxiety. 

As you see it's a nice size. If you're a Croc lover or just like McDonald's like me, these are pretty dang cute.

Have you gotten one yet? 


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