Monday, July 31, 2017

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude.

Hey, It's Okay.... be going on vacation next week! We're headed to Gettysburg, Williamsburg, and North Carolina. finally be able to pick up a copy of The Handmaid's Tale from the library. I was number 200 on the wait list about two months ago. be nearly done watching the latest season of Orange Is The New Black. It's okay but I'm kind of over the whole riot thing. have inwardly cheered during Cersei's revenge towards the woman who killed her daughter. I know she's crazy mean and all, but if I could get away with it, I'd probably do the same if anyone hurt my kids. wish people would present me how Daenarys Stormborn was. "The mother of dragons, ruler of such and such, healer of such and such..." I could be presented as, "This is Amber, mother of two, whose epidural was turned down for her first child so she suffered the pains of childbirth and felt the ring of fire, cleaner of barf, guardian of two cats which she rescued from a shelter, reader of many books." have tried the new confetti cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory.


  1. Along with a fancy intro, I think I'd like some music to announce my arrival, too.

  2. I love your fancy intro!!!! It's amazing!

  3. Number 200 on the library wait list?! That is crazy! I am so glad that I already owned a copy of the book. I reread it prior to watching the series.

  4. THAT CAKE!! Omg.
    I wish you guys were coming to Boston! Maybe one day. I need to meet you!!

  5. Have a good vacay. I have always wanted to go to Gettysburg. I am only a 6 hour drive, so maybe one of these days we will take a roadtrip.

  6. Ohhhh! That cheesecake! And oh! Vacation! Yay!
    Also, you are sooo like Daenarys.

  7. I read The Handmaid's Tale awhile ago and the show is so good!

  8. #200! That's just nuts, I new people have loved that book may have to wait two years to read it at this point!

  9. I really really want this confetti cake too!!! Have a great holiday!!

  10. It's OK to heal a broken friendship with my old friend.
    It's OK to try to learn anything new and challenging.
    It's Ok to say LOVE to everyone I meet everyday.
    Thank you I am Ok

  11. Haha... I was totally over the riot on Orange is the New Black too. It was so tiring. I also agree with you about Cersei. As much as I don't like her, I wanted justice for Marcella too!

  12. Your vacation sounds exciting! Take lots of pictures and share, share, share!

    1. Linked up but used a little bit different layout this week. Let me know if you don't like and I will remove link!

  13. I really like this type of list! What a great idea from Glamour magazine. And hey, I would totally try the confetti cake from Cheesecake Factory!

  14. I really need to get my hands on a copy of The Handmaid's Tale. I kind of can't believe I haven't read it already but I read mostly nonfiction... Have a great time on your vacation!

  15. Oh my goodness how delicious does that cake look, I totally want to try it now and I still haven't read The Handmaid's Tale!

  16. Going on a weekend away or holiday is always okay! I am going on a long weekend at the end of august! i cant wait!

  17. I used to watch Orange is the New Black. I'm so behind though now. I wouldnt mind sampling the cheesecake birthday cake. I'm close to Williamsburg we could take a selfie! Have a great trip! We just did Gettysburg a couple months ago.

  18. Don't give up on Orange Is The New Black! The last few episodes are good! I am kinda dreading next season!

  19. Love this idea! you just gave me my next blog post for next week!

  20. That vacation is more than okay! And about the book, glad that you finally got a copy. Waiting for 2 months is not easy but it also means that book is really popular.

  21. That cake looks delicious. I also just got a copy of The Handmaid's Tale. I have been excited to be able to read it.

  22. This cheese cake is so delicious. I wish I can eat it along with you.

  23. confetti cheesecake looks so delicious, i say.. Have a great upcoming travel, have a blast & share the pics of fun with kids:)

  24. I need cheesecake right now! Hope you enjoy your time with your family and please do share the pics with us :)

  25. I am so glad that Cersi got her revenge as well! As for The Handmaid's Tale it is a beautiful book hope you enjoy it x

  26. I saw that cake over on your IG account, and oh my gosh... I'm in! Have fun on your vacation :)

  27. I still need to read The Handmaid's Tale!

  28. The confetti cheesecake looks so yummy. Enjoyed reading the list of things you mentioned.

  29. I love your hey it's okay posts. The good parts. Fun parts and crazy parts. Hey it's okay to want to bash up people who hurt kids.They should be sent away from earth.

  30. Have fun on your vacation next week! And omg, funfetti cheesecake? Stop making me jealous!!!

  31. Great inspirational post. I really love the pic of the confetti cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory! I didn't know they had this. I'm definitely going to look for this next time I go... especially since It's Ok!

  32. It's Ok .. Be more humorous and Funny ..Becaz its your blog and no one can own it more :) Chandresh

  33. I can understand what you mean by doing what Cersei did to the Dornish woman. I would do anything to protect my daughter. Hope you have an amazing time out in Gettysburg. And as for the titles that the mother of Dragons has, it just seems all a bit much now. I was thinking about what Jon Snow much be thinking. How would he relate to any of those? Before she was in Westeros, all those titles meant something because they were things she did there. Now she is no longer there, I am not sure they mean as much.

  34. haha I love your take on the Daenerys introduction :)
    I can't wait to see how this season plays out. I am impatient and want to know right now but hey, it's okay!

  35. I watch Orphan black and Game of thrones too. And that cheese cake looks so delicious

  36. Ooooo vacation!!! We were just in Gettysburg back in June. So fun if you're big into history!


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