Wednesday, June 14, 2017

An Ode To The Strawberry Soup At 1900 Park Fare

The look the prince gave me was comical:

This is because I was busy slurping up the strawberry soup while taking a photo with one hand. Not even royalty could get me to stop consuming my favorite treat. Prince William could waltz in and I'd be all, "Sorry your royal highness, eating."

When we visited Disney World in March, I knew I was going to make dinner reservations at 1900 Park Fare. This is mainly because of the strawberry soup. Oh sure, we'd see characters from Cinderella, but I just wanted the pink deliciousness.

The characters are pretty amusing, by the way. The stepsisters are interested in the men in your group. They'll sometimes spit out insults. For example, Natalie had on her her Mickey Ears that said Happy Birthday and one sister said (Drizella, I think) "I bet it's not really your birthday. You just want attention."

And she was right, Natalie's birthday wasn't for another few days. She also wasn't amused by Natalie's shirt:

"You don't know my life!" she quipped before marching off.

Anastasia wanted to marry Tommy:

And the Evil Stepmother wanted to see if the kids were eating their dinner and didn't find them cute at all:

Meanwhile, throughout all of this, I kept eating my soup:

Natalie was all, "How many bowls of that are you going to eat?"

"Sixteen," I answered.

I mean, it's delicious. You taste the strawberries. The cream. I could probably make it myself, but I'm lazy. I want it to be waiting for me, all ready to go:

Oh sure, there are other things to eat. There's a buffet, and I ate meats and veggies and carbs:

That stuff is delicious too. Plus, there's desserts:

(I mean, duh, I had to get more strawberry soup.)

My son wasn't impressed by it, but he has autism and said it felt too thick in his mouth. But Natalie loves it too:

It's all you can eat at 1900 Park Fare, so keep loading your plate! Oh and yeah, Cinderella comes around too:

At one point Cinderella and the Prince dance, and then the Prince picks a diner to dance as well.

He picked me!

I'm kidding. I was too busy eating. He picked a cute little girl dressed like Cinderella, naturally. One who wasn't guzzling down the strawberry soup.

As you pig out like Henry VIII, you can admire the room. It is lovely:

Plus you're in the Grand Floridian, a place where we'd stay if we were wealthy. I mean, it's gorgeous:

(Remember, this is the hotel where Uncle Jesse played a song for Rebecca when she was pissed at him for being too busy to spend time with his family.)

(From Full House. Sorry.)

I told Natalie if we ever won the lottery, we could stay there. Or if she ever got rich, she could take me there with her.

"I might get rich," Tommy spoke up. "On YouTube. I do make videos."

"Great. Someone get rich so we can stay here and pig out on strawberry soup. I'm sure I could get housekeeping to bring up a tureen on nightly basis," I said. "What are you doing?" I continued as Natalie sat on a wingback chair with this expression:

"Oh, this is how rich people behave," Natalie explained.

"Kanye West would agree," I responded.

But seriously, I recommend 1900 Park Fare. The soup is served at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but the characters are different. If you go this summer, think of me when you get the strawberry soup.

Because I'll be thinking of it.


  1. Strawberry soup?!? Sounds amazing! I definitely would get a kick out of the "dark" characters. 1900 Park Fare seems like the best place to eat when visiting Disney.

  2. God that sounds divine. Mmmm. I want to make that!

  3. Ooh, I am sure I would loooove strawberry soup!! Sounds like heaven in a bowl!

  4. I have never heard of strawberry soup! Looks delicious! Loved the photos and loved how th evil stepmother actually went into character! ahah

  5. I will have to go there when we visit in the winter! Also, if I ever win the lottery, I'm totally taking you to stay at the Grand Floridian!

  6. I have never heard of strawberry soup before! I bet this is delicious and a great summer treat.

  7. What a fun character meal at Disney! We've done other ones but we haven't done 1900 Park yet! The strawberry soup looks amazing!

  8. We are going to disney in January and I NEEED to get some reservations here! I have never heard of the strawberry soup before!

  9. Oh yum! This brought back fond memories. My mother used to make quarts of strawberry soup whenever the local ones were available.

  10. It's the first time I hear about strawberry soup. This article is really funny. I'm glad to hear that the characters are keeping their personalities even in the dinner, and are not all cute and nice. I wonder why Cinderella is so small :))

  11. We ate at 1900 Park on our first trip to Disney! My kids were 7 and 10 and they only had all the Cinderella characters. The mice kept kissing my son lol. He was so embarrassed. The food is awesome!

  12. I love 1900 Park and the GF in general! I love how elegant and special the whole hotel feels.

  13. We LOVE that place, and yes the soup is fabulous!! It looks like everyone had a great time. I would be slurping the soup too!

  14. When we went to Disney World we had lunch in the castle. I had no idea there was strawberry soup or we would have eaten there instead!

  15. Oh my goodness what an amazing sounding place to get something to eat an strawberry soup I NEED to try that!

  16. The food looks really and omg, such a nice place! With all the disney characters! DREAM! xx corinne

  17. This sounds like such a cool place to visit. I never heard of strawberry soup but this sounds like something my daughters & I need to try!

  18. Sounds like you had so much fun. We love doing the character meals at Disneyland.

  19. Strawberry soup? Wow. Looks absolutely delish! And it looks like the kiddo's had a great time. Sorry you weren't picked for the dance! lol. Thanks for sharing your story!

  20. What a fun family vacation to Walt Disney World! Before your post I had never even heard of Strawberry Soup! Looking at your photos it looks so incredibly pink and yummy. I wish we had a recipe for it. I'd love to give it a try! :-)

    1. There are recipes for it online. I found several for copycat versions of this, I'm just too dang lazy to make it.

  21. I enjoy reading you! I can feel how amazing and fun that day was! and the soup really got my attention! I could eat a lot too when is already done! Im just as lazy as you!

  22. I'm so with you, strawberries are my favourite fruit, I think I could live on a diet of strawberry soup.

  23. 1900 Park Fare looks like an amazing place to check out. We are hoping to visit Disney World this winter. The strawberry soup looks so delicious I can not wait to try it.

  24. 1900 Park Fare looks great! It has good food and it has Disney characters, really everything you want in a Disney meal!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Lol! I laughed at your intro! I love this place. I should really try to visit 1900 Park Fare.

  27. I love your post. It sounds like you guys had a great time. I hope I can visit too. Thanks for sharing.
    XOXO //
    SINCERELY OPHELIA | NYC Petite Fashion Blogger

  28. It sounds like you had an awesome time at 1900 Park Fare and the characters sound like they did an amazing job. I love the photo of you eating the strawberry It does sound so good. The food all looked amazing and I would love to eat at 1900 Park Fare the next time we go to Disney World.

  29. Looks like you had a great time with your kids! I love your photos and guess what? If I was there, I'd pig out on strawberry soup too.

  30. Strawberry soup, yum! I had an overage of fresh strawberries and a friend recommended me making some but I never tried it. I'd much rather try this at Disney. I hadn't heard of this Character dining but probably because it's at the Floridian versus one of the parks. We love Disney, can't wait to visit again.

  31. We love eating at 1900 Park Fare. The stepsisters are really hilarious and the food is amazing. I have never tried the strawberry soup and it sound like I have really been missing out! I will be sure to have some next time we visit.

  32. Awe what a great experience for you guys especially for the kiddos. That place looks so much fun to dine in with the family.

  33. lol I'd probably be sipping the strawberry soup too. Looks like a fun place to have dinner with the kids.

  34. I have never heard of strawberry soup until now but wow does it sound and look good! Looks like a great family day. =)

  35. I have definitely never ever had strawberry soup. Sounds and looks delicious. Is it hard to make? My kids love strawberries but this could be a great recipe using those.

  36. I must be the only one who has never heard of strawberry soup. Is it a cold soup or hot? Sounds delicious!

  37. Looks like such a wonderful place to take children. The food also looks delicious.

  38. The hotel is so luxurious! I would love to stay there too if I were rich! Anyway, since I am NOT rich, I would settle for a nice dinner there instead and have my fill of strawberry soup.

  39. I have never stayed nor eaten at the Grand relatives however all live in the Tampa area and have season passes to all things Disney, and this is something they have all done. The strawberry soup sounds amazing! In fact, Disney sounds amazing right now!

  40. Even your restaurant reviews are a lot if fun.I think I would love strawberry soup too .Great review

  41. Woah I have never heard of strawberry soup or tried it but it looks like I am missing out. I like that the characters posed for photographs as well x

  42. This is the first time I've heard of strawberry soup! It looks yummy! I do hope your kids get rich and treat you to an overnight stay. Ah, so you can finally have strawberry soup all day long!

  43. This is so magical! I will be honest this strawberry soup is interesting concept it looks like a smoothie!

  44. That strawberry soup looks to-die-for! The whole experience seemed magical.

  45. Your strawberry soup is interesting. I should it here if available. Lovely restaurant with many Disney characters as host. The experience are well worth it!

  46. you really loved that strawberry soup lol. looks like your kids ad an amazing time there. was a great experience for them.

  47. Hahahaha. Looks like a lot of fun, it's always good when the actors are good. I think I may need to try strawberry soup...

  48. The soup sounds pretty good, I mean you can't go wrong with strawberries. Loved her shirt it's too cute.

  49. I've never heard of Strawberry soup! I want to take my kids to Disney soon, so I'll definitely have to check it out when we go.

  50. My daughter would be thrilled to eat in that kind of place!! Strawberry soup sounds delicious!

  51. This is so cute. So Disney, I never knew there was a such thing as Strawberry soup that sounds amazing.

  52. I love the pictures! You are too funny! Your kids are precious and I LOVE your daughter's shirt. Great post.

  53. Strawberry soup! That is totally something that Disney would come up with. That's amazing, and I bet the kids loved it. Awesome pictures!

  54. Strawberry soup?! I don't know if that would be delicious or gross lol Definitely worth trying though to find out! This looks like a fun place for the family and I hope someday we can visit!

  55. Something about coming out of a dispenser grosses me out. Looks like you loved it though!

  56. Strawberry soup looks delicious!! And what beautiful costumes!!!

  57. I've never heard of strawberry soup but you have convinced me that it's delicious! I'll have to try it when I head to the States!

  58. I've never heard of strawberry soup but you have convinced me that it's delicious! I'll have to try it when I head to the States!

  59. what a wonderful time you all must of had in fact it does look very magical.
    come see us at

  60. Haha - the strawberry soup looks like melted icepops and yup - I would eat it up in a heartbeat.
    Katja xxx

  61. Strawberry soup looks yummy though! Another amazing Disney adventure!

    Pammy -

  62. How many bowls of strawberry soup did you consume? The meal sounds wonderful.

  63. I have never tried their strawberry soup! It sounds so good and I'll definitely try it when I get the chance! I'm pretty sure I'll get addicted as well.

  64. It's funny how spot on they act out the characters. The place sounds amazing, I mean look at that chandelier though now I am very curious on how the strawberry soup taste like.

  65. That place looks like so much fun for the kids. My daughter used to love the princesses, so I miss places like this. I would love to try that soup.

  66. I have tried strawberry coulis, but have never had it in soup form! I am glad the kids enjoyed meeting all the characters!

  67. I've never tried this signature strawberry soup before but you've managed to build it up really good. I'd go to Disneyland just to try this! It sounds so good!

  68. I am now wanting strawberry soup. I think that I haven't had my fair share of strawberry soup. Yummy!

  69. We have done a few character dining experiences when our kids were little and always had a great time. I remember being extremely impressed by the quality of the food too.

  70. That strawberry soup looks pretty good! I don't think I have ever had strawberry soup before.

  71. I'm not sure about strawberry soup. But it sounds good and I'm a fan of trying everything once.

  72. We were there with the kids a few years back and loved it. But I don't think we saw that soup! It looks amazing!

  73. OMG! My daughter would love this event! And the strawberry soup, of course!

  74. Strawberry soup sounds delicious. I have never had that kind of soup but I am so curious how it tastes like.

  75. What? Strawberry soup? This looks really good. I would love to give that a try. - Jeanine

  76. It's been years since we visited 1900 Park Fare but the food was always great and there was plenty of items to choose from. A great way to fuel up for a day at the park.

  77. Awe I bet that was a blast! I love the Disney royalty!

  78. No way! Strawberry soup?! I definitely have to research that and see if there's a copycat recipe. That sounds awesome. I'd love to visit Disney World again one day. It looks like your family had a great time.

  79. Strawberry soup?! I've never heard of it but boy does it sounds and look delicious!

  80. I love strawberry soup! I make it at home and it's so easy to make and it's almost like eating a strawberry milkshake.

  81. I have never had strawberry soup but it sounds and looks amazing. It is great when you find a restaurant you love and they have what you like to eat any time.

  82. Do you know I have never had Strawberry Soup and ALL I want now is Strawberry Soup it sounds amazing!

  83. That strawberry soup could draw me in as well. Looks NOM! How fun that the characters toss witty barbs at the diners. My girls would love that!

  84. The strawberry soup has me roped in. Strawberries are my favorite and I am sure that I could do some damage with it too. :) I'll have to scheduled a meal here if I ever get rich enough to go enjoy a bowl of Strawberry soup.

  85. wow! What a beautiful dinner! I think it was special! Si glad that your kids had a good time!

  86. I didn't know there is such a thing as strawberry soup until now. LOL. Okay, I'll keep that in mind because I do like strawberry and I'll keep that restaurant in mind too. Bet it's fun to see those characters.


  87. i've never heard of it being called something like this before, but it looks delicious.

  88. Strawberry soup, that sounds really intriguing. I love the fruits but can't imagine a soup...must be so tasty from all the bowls you had :) Glad your kids had fun with drop-ins by the Disney characters.

  89. What a fun place to take your kids and interact with the Disney characters! Strawberry soup sounds so yummy!

  90. These all sounds fun! Oh I would love to taste that soup, looks yummy!

  91. I am intrigued! I have never heard of strawberry soup, but strawberry anything is amazing in my book. I'll have to remember 1900 Park! (Rena)

  92. Oh this entire experience looks amazing. We have not yet yet dined at one of the amazing Disney restaurants, but plan to remedy that soon!

  93. Oh my goodness! This looks so delicious! I love cold soup.

  94. I had no idea about this Strawberry Soup. I wish I knew. We just got back from there this weekend! Glad you enjoyed your dish.


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