Thursday, April 30, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: ANOTHER School Project!

So I know that school projects will always happen.

But I still dread when I see the paper about them.

Now, let me be clear: I dread seeing the paper because I know I'll have to pester Natalie to do it. Because I DO NOT do projects. You can tell when parents take over. I refuse.

I told Natalie she needed to get started. Getting her to focus can be tough.

I helped her look things up, but she picked which photos she wanted to print. She typed out the words. She cut everything out. She glued it on. Mind you, I did help her decide where to glue stuff, because she wanted to glue everything in one corner of the page. I don't know why.

As we were doing this, Natalie suddenly started cutting something out of leftover paper. I was like, "Hello? We need to do this," and she said she was making a Minecraft pick axe. I asked her what that had to do with what we were doing and she answered primly, "Nothing, but it's better than this project."

See? It's a pain. Especially when Tom is deployed. If he were here, she'd had done everything nicely.

After some yelling, crying, and threatening to take away all Minecraft toys and games, Natalie finished:

And she got a 100%!

School ends next month and I am HOPING we are done with school projects. But at the same time, I dread as she gets older, because I know the projects will only get worse.

Do your kids do okay with school projects, or is mine just a huge pain?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To be proud of Natalie for being invited to join the gymnastics team. We opted to just move her up to the next class. We don't see my husband that much as it is due to his work schedule, and it seems she'd be busy practicing a lot. However, if we're still here next year and my husband is able to get a back office job as he'd like, he'd have a regular M-F schedule and it could be do-able.

--To not really care when the royal baby comes.

--To be excited to have a date with my son on Friday. Natalie goes to Kid's Night Out so it's Golden Corral and a movie night for us.

--To have a giveaway for a $50 gift certificate to the UNICEF Market here. There are many handmade gifts available.

--To have reviewed a JORD wooden watch here. These would make for an unique gift for someone who has everything. (Shopping for Kanye West?)

--To be excited for Natalie to start baseball tomorrow. It's her first time playing. She wanted to play since she dressed up as an A League Of Their Own player for Halloween.

--To think it's cute that Natalie is excited for the new Star Wars movie. She lip synched this last bit of the preview. She loves Chewbacca.

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, April 27, 2015

5 TV Characters I Cared More About Than Derek Shepherd When They Died

I'm sure a lot of you watch Grey's Anatomy.

How did you feel when Derek died?

I did cry, I admit that. But the thing is, I wasn't as attached to Derek as I have been to past characters who have died on TV shows I watch.

For example, when Charlie died on Lost?

I lost it. He was my eye candy. I could not believe the show was getting rid of him. I thought, "Come on, weird island. Make it so people can't drown!" But alas. However, he did turn up in the last season, and yes, I was happy.

I was also in shock when Ned Stark died on Game of Thrones:

I think I shouted, "WTF?" and even my husband, who doesn't show much emotion for television programs, even uttered an, "Oh sh*t."

And remember Dr. Greene from ER?

He got cancer. He died when his family went to the beach. I remember "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" was playing and you could see that he passed.

The Walking Dead has killed off lots of people. The one that squeezed my heart the most?

When Carol's daughter Sophia turned into a zombie. She had gone missing and Carol was desperate to find her. She thought she might still be alive. And then..then when they let all the walkers out of the barn, Sophia came out. As a mother, that one tugged at the heart strings. Even though it's all fake.

And then there's Anne Boleyn, who yes, was REAL, but she's also been on many TV shows. The Tudors is one of my favorites.

She didn't deserve to die. She was a smart lady who was a pawn used by the men in her family. And within 24 hours of her murder, King Henry VIII married Jane Seymour, who finally gave him the son he so wanted. (But Karma came to play and that son died as a teenager. Mary became queen for a bit, she was crazy, and then Anne Boleyn's daughter Elizabeth came to the throne and was awesome.)

I am bummed that Derek died. But there are others that stuck with me longer. I got over the Derek death pretty quickly. The others I mentioned? Stuck with me for a bit. I can get attached to characters, which is something my husband doesn't get.

"You know these people don't exist, right?" he's told me MANY times.

Well. Yes. But still.

What character deaths impacted you?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

UNICEF Market Review and $50 Gift Certificate Giveaway!

**I was given a gift certificate to use towards purchasing an item. My opinions are my own.**

Mother's and Father's Day are coming up, in case you weren't aware.

Looking for a unique, handcrafted gift made by talented artisans?

Check out the UNICEF Market.

The site is full of fabulous gifts that yes, are handmade. When you purchase a gift, part of the proceeds go towards helping children. So you can shop, and do a good deed at the same time.

I was able to select a gift, and I decided on this Tic Tac Toe set:

It's made out of Indian sheesham wood and has a compartment to store the pieces.

You can also flip it over for a game of solitaire:

By selecting this item, it stated on the page that it provided enough polio vaccines to help 5 children. It also was certified and shipped from India.

If you wanted a Mother's Day gift, the items with a bow on them will have a guaranteed delivery of May 9th.

I have a $50 gift certificate a lucky reader can use towards the UNICEF Market. (Also be sure to include the shipping cost.) There are over 8000 gifts ranging from $10 and up, so you'll be able to find something.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To learn more about the UNICEF Market, check these places out:

--FOLLOW them on Twitter

--LIKE them on Facebook

--FOLLOW them on Pinterest

--FOLLOW them on Google +

Saturday, April 25, 2015

JORD Sully Wood Watch Review! (Perfect Gift For Mother's Day!)

**I was sent a watch to review for my honest opinion. My opinions are my own. I was not compensated in any other way**

I like to be able to look down at my wrist and see what time it is. I don't like digging through my purse for my phone.

Behold the Jord Wood Watch! It's a company that makes watches made of natural elements and modern design.

I picked out the Sully Series Wood Watch because I loved the colors. It's made out of cherry and maple. It's also made with scratch resistant material, and this is a plus when one has children.

It was easy to order: I clicked on the item I wanted, and then I clicked on Size This Watch For Me and followed the instructions. I was able to have a watch made to fit my wrist correctly. In the past, sometimes I'd get watches that would slide up and down my wrist no matter how much I tightened them.

The watch fits comfortably in all situations: even a trip to my favorite store Target!

Someone actually asked me what time it was when I was there. It was nice to be able to look down and tell them. No more fumbling around for my phone!

Mother's Day is approaching and this would make an unique gift. Same with Father's Day! I'm tempted to order one for my husband. I think he'd really enjoy this Delmar Series Wood Watch in blue. Oh, and there's also a 12 Month Warranty on the watch, should something happen.

Oh, and my daughter tried to take my JORD watch:

I said no and took it back. She did find a use for the pillow bit that the watch was wrapped around though.

If you end up indulging in chocolate or other junk foods too much, it's okay, because your watch comes with items to lengthen your watch if need be:

If you're curious about seeing more of the JORD Wood Watch line, check this out:

Wooden Watches by JORD

So remember, if you're looking for a unique gift, check out Jord Wood Watches!

You can learn more about Jord Wood Watches by clicking on the following:

--LIKE their Facebook page

--FOLLOW them on Twitter

--FOLLOW the on Instagram

--FOLLOW them on Vine

--FOLLOW them on Google +

What JORD Wood Watch would you pick out?

Friday, April 24, 2015

RIP Jonathan Crombie (aka Gilbert Blythe)

Guys, I'm sad.

Gilbert Blythe has died.

Well. Jonathan Crombie, the man who played him, has died. (You can read about it here.)

Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite movies. I watched it all the time as a kid. It always put a smile on my face.

When girls were flipping out over the pale, sparkling Edward Cullen, I'd be like, "No. Gilbert Blythe is the one I want."

Yes, I watched all the Anne movies. I was glad when Anne and Gilbert finally got together. Of course I knew they would: I read all the books. But watching it unfold on screen was wonderful. I'm so glad Anne forgave him.

I still watch the movies to this day. I hope one day my daughter will love them just as much as I do.

Thank you, Jonathan, for bringing the character of Gilbert alive. You played him so well. You made my heart swoon.

You will be missed.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

"Tommy," I said. "You're a teenager. Please tell me you aren't going to do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge."

Tommy was like:

I continued: "I know you're into video games, but I didn't want to go up to your room and be surprised. Mommy's nerves couldn't take it."

Tommy blinked. "What's going on?"

I showed him this article and I showed him this picture:

He was like, "Why would anyone do that?"

I went, "Exactly. We've had the discussion to NEVER do anything those Kardashians do. Don't be a sheep. Don't follow along. Unless meeting John Krasinski at the end is promised."

Tommy went:

I decided to continue the lesson and showed Natalie. She laughed. "That looks funny!"

"No. It doesn't. Don't ever try it or your lips will fall off forever."

She answered, "No they won't."

Basically? I'm going to have to keep an eye on her when she goes online.

But don't do the challenge. Make sure your offspring aren't doing it either.

Unless you want them to look like this:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What Girls Can Wear At Disney World

Some people have asked where I got the outfits that my daughter wore in the Disney World photos I shared.

Some asked if I made them. I laughed, because I cannot sew. I can barely craft, guys.

I got them all from Etsy! It's a site where I can easily drop $100 and not know what happened.  It's sort of like the Target of the Internet.

To help folks out, I decided to do a post where I share the exact link where you can purchase the dresses. Now, some of these dresses weren't exactly cheap--but I would sell stuff on eBay and turn around and buy an outfit. I did not buy everything at once. If I had, my husband would have given me this look:

(But to be fair, it's the same look I give HIM when he spends $79 on a new computer game.)

We hope to go to Disney World in 2017. I don't know if Natalie will wear special dresses then. I hope! But it might be her last time doing it.

Why must kids grow up?

1. Day One: Cinderella's Sundress by Theresafeller.

Day Two: Belle Top and Skirt by LexiPagesBowtique

Day Three: Chewbacca Dress by A Posh Pumpkin with matching headband (I requested it be made with sleeves because I wasn't sure about the weather.)

Day Four: Deluxe Anna Dress from The Disney Store

Last Day: Lilo Dress from A Posh Pumpkin (I don't see it listed, but if you message her she might be able to help out!)

Also on the last day, Natalie wore the "young Anna" dress by BITSnSCRAPS

When we left, she wore a Frozen outfit. If you are interested in the skirt, I can pass on an e-mail address. The person who makes it doesn't have a website. The shirt was from Kohls.

And for fun, Natalie got the Elsa and Anna dresses from the new Frozen Forever movie from The Disney Store and tried them on.

Happy shopping!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To be curious about the Bruce Jenner interview airing this Friday. I'll laugh if his big reveal is that he's decided to become a hot dog eating competitor or some other nonsense. Honestly, I'll probably forget about the interview, but I'm sure all the entertainment shows will air what he said.

--To wonder if Derek Sheppard will die on Grey's Anatomy. I doubt it, but I thought I read that he wanted a break from the show. Dun-dun-dun.

--To love going to Happy Hour at Sonic. I always get a Route 44 Diet Cherry Coke and a Nerds Watermelon Slush.

--To have watched The Imitation Game over the weekend and liked it. Alan Turing was a fascinating man and I'm embarrassed that I did not know all that he did. I also loved how he had some traits of someone with autism--I saw a lot of my boy in him.

--To still be pissed off at the eBayers who took most of the Lilly Pulitzer collection at Target.

--To have a giveaway for a prize pack from Perfectly Posh here. All their stuff smells fantastic!

--To have listed some of Natalie's clothes on eBay (but not at high prices like those annoying Lilly Pulitzer jerks!) here. I'll be eventually adding more.

--To have a group of grown adults bashing my blog here. Some other blogs that I read are on the site too. Lucky us?

--To be hoping to find an agent for my latest book. I self published The Swimmer's Assistant. This is my query letter.

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Battle For The Lilly Pulitzer Collection At Target

I thought, "People at Oklahoma don't care about clothes. If it's not football, Kevin Durant, or saying 'Thunder Up', they don't care."

I was wrong.

But let me back up.

See, Target was getting a Lilly Pulitzer collection. I love the retro look and colors so I wanted to get a few items for Natalie. Maybe for me too, if I didn't look scary in it. They had matching mother and daughter sets and I figured this might be the only time Natalie would allow me to dress like her.

I pictured having a leisurely morning with her as we shopped. We'd gather some items, go to the changing rooms, and try stuff on. Then we'd have lunch.

This is what happened:

I woke up and saw on my Facebook feed that people were going NUTS over the Lilly Pulitzer collection. People were waiting in LINES for Target to open. People were then running into the store, grabbing all the clothes, and stuffing it into their carts.

I was like, "But what about my leisurely morning?" Then I told Natalie to put on her pants because we had to GO.

This was what was left for the Lilly Pulitzer collection at my Target:

Another woman rushed up beside me and was all, "This is it?"

"I think so," I answered.

"I thought people in Oklahoma didn't care about clothes!" she yelped.

"I thought that too!" I replied.

I managed to find two things for Natalie. Nothing for me. The only sizes they had were XS, and my gut wouldn't even squeeze into XS, I assure you, and XL, which would only work during my period weeks.

I was miffed though.

"eBayers!" I seethed, scaring another shopper. Her eyes went wide and she backed away.

When I went to check out I asked the cashier if the store was swarmed this morning like I had seen being reported at other stores.

"Oh yes," she said. "It was crazy. There were lines of people. They grabbed handfuls and stuck them in their carts. Unfortunately Target didn't have a limit on how much they could buy."

"That enrages me," I said honestly.

"Me too. It doesn't seem right," the cashier agreed.

I went home to see if I could buy some pieces online at, but nope, all sold out.

I hope all you eBayers have Karma bite you in the ass. Seriously. Shame on all of you. You are all the pus that infects the mucous, that cruds up the fungus, that feeds on the pond scum. Yes, that was from My Best Friend's Wedding, but it applies to this situation.

Basically? You all suck. I hope no one buys all the stuff you bought. Shame on all of you.

Anyway. This is what we ended up with. Both pieces are size M and too large, but she can wear them next year. (If anyone has size smalls available, let me know. I'll only pay the original cost though. Don't add more to it. That's crap.)

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