Friday, July 10, 2015

6 Reasons Why My Daughter's Baseball Days Might Be Over

Natalie played baseball for the first time this year. She was never interested in t-ball so she just went right into baseball. She decided she wanted to play because she dressed up as a character from A League Of Their Own one Halloween.

She said the movie made baseball look like fun.

However, she wasn't the best at the sport and would tell me often that it was "pretty boring." Maybe she'll try it again in a few years. For now she's all, "I don't want to play next year."

Here are reasons why I think Natalie's baseball days might be over.

1. Natalie would look like this whenever the ball would come at her at least 80% of the time.

Then she'd slowly retrieve the ball when it was evident that yes, she was meant to get it. Sometimes the coaches, her teammates, and people watching the game would then shout, "THROW THE BALL, NATALIE!" Because when she'd actually get the ball, she'd hold it like she was cradling a dang baby. She would later tell me, "I have to THINK about who deserves it the most. I can't just throw it to WHOEVER. Duh!"

2. She was more interested in kicking the dirt.

Or playing in it. She was playing in it here when she was supposed to be second base.

3. She also preferred to play with the bugs. She was once watching a ladybug when the ball sailed past her.

4. She drinks so much water while in the dugout waiting to bat that she has to pee about ten minutes later. If she's outfield she'll be the one gripping her crotch and bouncing around like a drugged chihuahua.

5. She'd look like this whenever the ball would come at her.

Oh. I already said that. But she did. Like 90% of the time.

6. She didn't always hit the ball when she was up to bat.

This is because she'd sometimes stand in a strange way. Or she'd be too far away from the plate. The coaches would correct her some of the time, but then she'd sometimes go back to the strange stance. She told me it was "how she felt like standing, duh."

So yeah. I doubt she'll ever play baseball again.


  1. We had a similar experience with our oldest. He was more interested in playing on his own than waiting for the ball. He thought it was pretty boring too and didn't want to play the following summer either. :)

  2. I was terrible at softball. Just awful.
    At least she gave it a whirl! She needs to get into drama. I bet she'd love acting in plays!

  3. Erica's friends play softball and she has no interest in it even though we tried to not to subtly push her into it. She refused. If she did try, though, she'd behave exactly like Natalie except instead of playing in the dirt, she'd be doing front walkovers all over the field. Sigh.

  4. I played softball growing up, I loved it but I'm pretty sure I was terrible. Lol. At least she tried it!

  5. I played when I was ten and I struck out every time I was up at bat, every game.
    Except for the last game - I hit every ball.
    Go figure.

  6. HAHA Love it. My favorite part is that she wanted to play based on a movie. Your kiddo rocks.

  7. Dude I've always admired those chicks that can play sports. I, of course, am not one of them. More power to her for trying and staying true to who she is....even if that means she's a bug-catching, weird-standing little player. I laughed my butt off at the ball reactions, too, because that's exactly what I do anytime I'm attempting to play a group sport.

  8. My oldest son and T-ball was like this. He would stop running in between bases to look for dinosaur bones. Josh seems to be into it though, which is fun.

  9. Hah, she had to decide who deserved the ball most! That's funny!

  10. My grandson had awesome throwing and hitting skills when he was 2 and 3 years old. Now at 8, he and his best friend sign up for baseball and spend their time sitting in the grass. Yes, the coach tells them to stand up and pay attention, but it doesn't seem to interrupt their quiet meditation. So funny!

  11. I'm hesitant to start the girls in sports for this reason. I though soccer might be fun, but I don't want them just standing around being bored.

  12. I have never been a fan of baseball either. A League of Their Own makes the game look fun, but, in reality, I find baseball quite boring. So I totally agree with your daughter on not wanting to play anymore!

  13. Oh this is a really interesting post.Sounds she is a lovely character.I guess she has many other interests than playing baseball. (things like watching ladybugs :) )

  14. Sounds like she needs to find a new sport to concentrate on. Being slow, peeing all the time and playing with bugs really isn't about baseball. At least she gave it a try.

  15. I have spent many years playing fast pitch softball and have had two girls play the sport. We experienced all these behaviors in the early years and after a while they get pretty serious while enjoying the game.

  16. I love that she does what she wants. haha! It's okay if you'll not go to again next year, you can try other sports :)

  17. This completely reminds me of my oldest daughter and her one and only attempt at soccer. She mostly wanted to chat with fellow teammates while leisurely strolling through the field. Luckily she found other interests and we chalked this up to a great learning experience!

  18. That Halloween costume was absolutely adorable!!! My son played baseball, but was never into it...he's a hockey and golf lover

  19. Well, maybe baseball isn't your daughter's thing. But at least she gave it a try!

  20. Hahahahaaa! I love your sense of humor. When I was that age my mother signed me up for softball. This description of your daughter's days playing baseball is probably very close to what it was like for me too! I really had no interest in hitting or chasing a little white ball.

  21. lol funny. I always thought baseball was boring to watch but in grade school, I always liked playing it. Except that one time I got hit in the eye and busted my glasses. Doh!

  22. Lol I couldn't help but smile while reading your post. My son was the same way when he started playing soccer he was more interested in the dirt then actually playing. Now that he is out of soccer he keeps asking to go back. LOL

  23. It's really difficult tell your kids to play the sport when you are more motivated to do well than them. I was taking my son to soccer last year, and he seemed to be more interested in the planes and school buses rather than kicking the ball.

  24. Haha so funny. Your story and sense of humor make my day!!!
    It's silly but true. I've never played baseball before but I'm 90% sure I'll look like her. Each of us has different kind of silly things haha.
    Thanks for your funny sharing.

  25. She's still young enough that she may change her mind in a few years. Unfortunately, kids are very competitive these days and the older kids would probably be rude if she didn't go after the ball. But if she is interested in a few years, she'll go after the ball. :)

  26. I swam competitively when I was younger. I saw countless kids who had no desire or interest whose parents forced them. It was sad.

  27. You're her mama, so you know her best, but I'm not sure it's time to hang up her cap quite yet. Natalie sounds like a pretty typical kid! Over the years, I've seen so many kids out there in the outfield quietly meditating as the ball sails by, and kicking dirt, and playing with bugs, and yes, even doing the pottie-dance. I think the key is to listen to what she wants: it sounds like you are on that.

  28. I was never into softball or baseball ... but glad your daughter gave it a try or a whirl to say the least. I highly doubt I ever will. Maybe our kids someday will.

  29. Man, this sent me into some giggles. I am all too familiar with this. Just not her thing so time to move on!

  30. I'm sitting here giggling because this was so me when I was little, except the bug thing. I hated the bugs. Softball was a blast though. Does she like to play? Just curious if maybe it will grow on her. :)

  31. This was like me and soccer. I sort of tried it as a kid but wasn't that great at it. It's cute though that she wanted to try baseball after dressing up as the character.

  32. Loved reading the post and Natalie's adventures with baseball. I would say, maybe she may still get interested as she grows up and like and enjoy the sport, who knows?

  33. I played when I was 11 and 12. My best friends parents were the coach's, and they put me on their teams. It was a ton of fun, but I wasn't the greatest at it. All I lasted was 2 years, because I couldn't imagine playing with the older girls.

  34. I love this post. It is very cute. It's hard for a child to stick with a sport. Thanks for sharing.

  35. This post is hilarious. My niece was this way with baseball. Instead of kicking dirt or checking for bugs she would pick flowers.

  36. oh my gosh! This sounds just like what my son was like! Needless to say he didn't go back when he was 8 years old...And it feels to good to hear someone else went through the identical thing! lol

  37. As a Huge baseball fan and former competitive player I must say I love that 'A League of Their Own' costume! I think I'll try and find an adult size for this years Halloween costume... how awesome! '
    As for your daughter playing baseball, I'm sorry to hear she doesn't care for it much... Maybe she would like 'fast pitch softball' it's like baseball on the strongest energy drink )much faster-paced and never a dull moment, you're constantly moving and being involved... like anything it takes practice to get good and it takes a little time to learn the strategies of the game which makes it a great ballgame.
    BUT... maybe it's just not her thing which is perfectly fine! You just never know with kids and I think helping them find their niche is always amusing/fun/ entertaining ;)

  38. Maybe baseball just wasn't the sport for her. But, it seems like she does have an interest in sports, so maybe try another sport for her. I played baseball, soccer, basketball, and field hockey as a child until I settled on soccer and volleyball as a teen.

  39. Well baseball just might not be her sport, but she's young so she may grow an appreciation as she gets older. I love that she felt like she couldn't just throw the ball at anyone.

  40. Hahahahahaha, that's so funny! Awww she is so adorable. I think if she loves sports, let her play all of them! She will find one which is her passion.

  41. haha...well it's great that you allowed her the opportunity to at least try it out. It's not an easy sport but, she'll have the experience forever. on to her next adventure!

  42. Your daughter is super adorable and I love that she gets to decide what she wants. She'll do great whatever she does, I'm sure!
    Katja xxx

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Yep sounds like she isn't really into playing ball. There are plenty of other sports and things to keep her busy she might enjoy better.

  45. All of my grandsons play baseball so I'm at a game just about every single night. Thankfully, they are older now and way pass that horrible wee ball (comes before tee ball) where it's just a bunch of two year olds crying and playing in the dirt. Baseball is certainly not for everyone and it's great that your daughter at least gave it a try.

  46. She is SO cute!! I did the same thing as she did. I was raised in baseball and I did it for a while, but I was terrible at it!

  47. Baseball is so complex and I think she'll be better of without it. Maybe she'll get better at it when she grows up.

  48. I played t-ball and baseball growing up. This post made me laugh because my son was like this with soccer.

  49. This post is hilarious, and I can identify! I learned with my kids that no matter how much I wanted them to do something, if they didn't enjoy it, I might as well let them off the hook.

  50. None of my kids are into baseball. When they were younger, I tried to introduce them to different kind of sports but they only like a couple.

  51. This is funny! Good that you're learning about it now before you've invested too much time into the sport. Soon she will find her thing.

  52. Awww bless her, at least she gave it a try. When my granddaughter wanted to play, she would run around the length of the fence, all the way around, while everyone else played. I thought it was hilarious, her mom, not so much after paying a small fortune ha. Your daughter looks adorable in her suit.

  53. Oh my word! I had the same kid! She only wanted to be there because her friends were there. Guess what they said? I'm only here because Ashley is here! Ha!

  54. Maybe she'll find her passion. Best of luck to her.

  55. I've learned over the years that kids will want to participate in things that they wind up realizing isn't something they love. I let them try it out and decide for themselves.

  56. We didn't really do baseball over here, rounders was the nearest and yeah I always had the look on my face as well, I used to hate it lol.

  57. My young one was like this with soccer. It took him a year or so to really get into it and enjoy playing it as much as watching! Maybe with time!

  58. We went through this with tae kwon do, basketball, soccer, t-ball and baseball. The kids had to find their niche and I didn't mind them experimenting with several different sports... my wallet on the other hand, well it was a bit much at times.

  59. I remember my childhood days. Hahaha, the feminine side dominate in me. Even if I wanted to play such baseball and football, still I cannot but with hard work and dedication, I soon overcome it. Maybe it will take some more time for her then.

  60. My daughter played for a couple of years and decided baseball just wasn't her thing. At least she tried and finished out that is what is important.

  61. That sounds like me when I tried to play baseball. It just wasn't for me! This post was so funny because it rings so true1

  62. We tried t-ball and baseball and after my son broke his finger in the batting cage it was a wrap for us.

  63. It's good that you were able to identify these things early on. Sometimes it takes a few different activities before kids find something that clicks.

  64. Yep, sounds like the correct decision to me. We tried like heck to get our daughter interested in team sports when she was young, she wanted nothing to do with it.

  65. Oh bless her! At least she tried it though, we can't love everything we try and it's better to give it a go than always wonder or carry on doing something you don't like.

  66. This is what my daughter would do, too. She'd make up crazy rules and then tell all the girls that they should do them. Like, run to third base first. :)

  67. I hope she had a lot of fun playing baseball! I am sure that she will find another activity that she will love it!

  68. I think that Natalie is no longer interested in Baseball for the moment at least and it is best that she do what she likes best. Guess interests and hobbies of kids keep changing till they zero in on something for keeps.

  69. Reading your posts about your kids really makes me a lot excited having my very own. I love how you share their experiences might it be funny, silly or what. I am always looking forward to your stories. Most of the time smiling and grinning just like this one.

  70. My daughter also gave up on baseball long ago! She said it was too boring being in the outfield. She also said she was scared she could get hit by a pitch!

  71. I bet she was fun to watch though! I think it is awesome she gave it a shot!

  72. This story makes me smile :) I played baseball but i was never really in love with the game. It was quite boring.

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