Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have taken down all the Christmas decorations

--To make the kids write thank you letters to the people who mailed stuff to them. It's important, I think. So many people don't bother anymore.

--To not have done the Review My Year on Facebook even though it keeps asking me to. I don't think anyone cares. I have yet to watch anyone's Review My Year. Sorry.

--To be taking Natalie out to Panera Bread for a Mommy/Daughter date this week.

--To might take Natalie to see Annie or Into The Woods soon. But I hear Annie has hip/hop in it? And rap=crap to me.

--To be ready for football to be over with already. It keeps taking over my show time slots so they start later. This makes me angry.

--To have stopped off at Bucees on the way home. It was filled with all sorts of delicious things: candy, fudge, cookies, chips...the list goes on and on.

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, December 29, 2014

We Didn't Lose The Underwear

“How nice,” I said, giving the woman in the van beside us a wave. “She’s saying hello.”

“No,” Tom grumbled. “She’s gesturing that something is open in the back.”

What? No. Surely he—I took another glance at the woman as she pointed frantically behind her.

Then again, I’m not exactly with it first thing in the morning. It was only 710 AM.

Tom pulled over and went, “Did you close the back?” because I had been the last to do so after tossing in our jackets.

“Yes,” I said. I was sure I snapped it shut. Didn’t I?

Again, it was early. The alarm had pierced me from my sleep at 630 AM. I am not a morning person. I grumbled as I pulled on my clothes. Meanwhile, Tom was like, “This is nothing. I’m up at 3 AM for work.”

“Well, I was up at 3 AM and 4 AM and 5 AM when the kids were babies,” I retorted. “With leaking and cracked breasts.”

Tom didn’t reply. He had gone downstairs.

We were out the door soon after, because we had loaded everything the night before. Well. Not everything. I tossed our jackets in the back, just in case Texas was cold.

And apparently I did not click the back all the way, because Tom went, “You didn’t click it all the way!”

I pictured all our belongings flying out onto the road.

“Is everything there?” I asked. My mind was still foggy. I needed caffeine. And more sleep.

“Yes. Luckily. But you didn’t click it shut.”

Tom has a truck so it’s a heavy flap thingy you have to click shut. I hate trucks. I’m happy with my small car with the trunk that you snap shut by pushing down.

“At least everything is there.” I’d have been mortified if my underwear had gone flying down the highway. Tom already teases that it’s maybe a step up from granny panties—and he says he’s being generous with that. Maybe he already thinks I wear granny panties, but I’m all about comfort. Plus, it’s not like he wears fancy underwear: it’s boxers. From Hanes.

I wanted to sleep, but each time I began to drift off, I felt Natalie’s hand on the back of my head.

“Are we there? I feel like we should be there,” she said seriously.

“We aren’t. We still have six hours.” I shut my eyes again.

A few minutes later?

Tap-Tap-Tap against my head.

“Now what time?”

I dug into my backpack and handed her a brand new book. “Read this.”

It was mercifully silent for a few minutes.


“I feel like I’ve already read this a billion and two times,” Natalie said. It was another Disney Princess book. She probably had, but just with another princess.

“Just. Here.” I handed her a new Nintendo DS game. A Barbie one.

This kept her happy for maybe thirty minutes. And then?


“Are were THERE yet?”

“Geez. No. Look, just stare at the window and tell me how many people are ruining their lungs by smoking. Okay?” I shut my eyes.

I managed to drift off for a bit. I woke up when Natalie said, “Six, so far. Six smokers ruining their lungs.”

"Great. Now tell me how many people are on their cell phones, which basically tells the rest of us that they don't care about their lives and ours," I suggested.


And then?

"Eight," Natalie told me. "So far."

I gave up on sleeping and began to read.

We arrived to my parents house at around 2 in the afternoon. They live about 7 hours away.

A fantastic visit was had.

We made cookies:

We celebrated Christmas at a respectable hour of 830. I don't do early mornings.

Actually, Natalie was still asleep:

We tore open presents:

I got a lot of Grumpy Cat stuff. To see it all, check out my Instagram account.

This is how I feel in the morning:

You wouldn't know it, but Tom was excited to get a GoPro camera for Christmas.

We always have a great time:

AND I got to go to Trader's Joes, so I was happy.

Our ride home was uneventful. The only ruffle was when we stopped for gas. A man wandered over and tried to get us to buy this vehicle spray. He kept talking and talking--finally I cut in and went, "We have no money. We used it all for Christmas," and he went away.

I thought Tom would be like, "THANK you."

Instead he was like, "Well, that was rude. I was going to buy some."

"Pardon me. I just pictured your bottles and bottles of cleaning stuff in the garage," I replied.

So Tom was a bit moody for a bit after that. He claimed I didn't understand vehicle cleaners, because I never bothered to clean my car.

"The rain cleans it just fine," I sniffed.

Now comes taking down all the Christmas decorations and reminding Natalie that she doesn't need to cry. She'll see everything next year.

Also, remind me that I stuck the creepy Elf on the Shelf in a stocking.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Did You Have A Fun Christmas?

How was your Christmas?

I made this:

Well, not on my own. Mom helped. It's a lemon meringue pie made from scratch. I could never do it on my own. Too much stirring.

I'll have pictures of our day when we return home. We leave tomorrow. The Internet here is not the fastest, you see. You can see some on my Instagram account now.

Today I'm going to Trader Joe's! There isn't one in Oklahoma. You guys know I love Trader Joe's.

Tonight we're headed to the riverwalk to eat and to see the Christmas light. I plan on stuffing my face with Mexican food.

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Things I'm Doing On Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I know I usually do a Things That Annoy Me Thursday post, but it’s CHRISTMAS!

There are the things I’ll be doing today:

--Chipping my nails as I struggle to pull out toys from their awful packages.

--Cursing as I try to figure out new toys. I am awful with putting things together.

--Stuffing my face with cookies. Calories can’t possibly count on a holiday.

--Seeing my 93 year old Grandma and presenting her with this:

--Stuffing my face with the roast Mom is making.

--Celebrating the fact that I don't have to cook!

--Being grateful that Tom is home with us for now--and the fact that he knows how to put things together, so I can hand stuff over to him if I begin to feel stabby.

Merry Christmas!

To see all the excitement, check out my Instagram account. I might ask for help in putting stuff together on there too.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To think "I live with a bunch of animals" while cleaning the bathrooms.

--To be ready for Christmas. We're in Texas with my parents.

--To have showed my kids the Pee Wee Christmas Special (it's on Netflix!) They liked it. I've done my job. Pee Wee rocks.

--To be ready for the Elf on the Shelf to leave. I am not creative enough to deal with the thing for over a week.

--To love my mom's lemon meringue pie. We make it all from scratch. It takes forever, but it's SO good. I would never have the patience to do it on my own, but with her around, sure, I'll whip up some meringue!

--To be reading the book Us by David Nicholls. I like it. He also wrote One Day.

--To still have a giveaway to win a coupon code valued at $139 at Smile Brilliant here. You can buy your own teeth whitening tray!

--To love this shirt I got for Natalie at Fairytales and Fireflies:

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, December 22, 2014

How To Not Go Crazy On A Road Trip With Kids

As you read this, we're on our way to Texas to spend Christmas with my parents.

Unless you read this at 3 AM. If that's the case, I'm still in bed. Tom wants to be on the road by 7.

We'll be traveling for 7 hours. I have my earplugs ready.

I'm kidding.


Traveling with children can be tricky. Here's a list of things I do to help make a road trip bearable:

1. Invest in earplugs.

Okay, sometimes you can't tune out the world, especially if you have tiny kids. So maybe earplugs aren't the way to go even though you don't want to hear, "Are we there yet?" for the hundredth time.

2. Pack new books.

I love to read, so I always pick up books at my beloved Target or Amazon for the kids. I also buy one for myself. The book I'll be reading as we head to Texas? Shopaholic To The Stars by Sophie Kinsella.

3. Get new DVDs.

We have a portable DVD player. I always find new things for the kids to watch.

4. Buy earphones for the kids.

I don't want to hear the latest My Little Pony movie from the DVD player. So I make sure Natalie has earphones so I don't have to hear Pinkie Pie shriek, "Oh my GOSH!"

5. Play road games.

I'm kidding. I don't do this. I want to read.

6. Pack snacks.

I always have snacks ready to go nearby. I usually bring fruit snacks, Rice Krispie treats (not homemade--from a box), dry cereal, and Pirate's Booty.

7. Explain that there will be no bathroom stops for a while.

I make sure the kids try and go to the bathroom before we go. Tom does not like to stop. Not even for me. So I make sure my bladder is empty and limit my liquids.

8. Bring Caffeine

Not for the kids, obviously. For me, so I stay friendly. Sometimes I can convince Tom to stop at a gas station so I can run in and get some beloved Diet Coke for .79 cents. But again, I have to watch how much I drink, because Tom won't stop until he needs gas.

9. Bring out small toys.

I'll buy items from the dollar spot at Target and hand this out if the kids get restless. I'm all, "Look, here's a ball in a cup."

I think everything will go smoothly. If it doesn't, be sure to follow along on my Twitter and Instagram accounts. I'll be sure to relay any drama we might encounter.

The main issue we'll have, I think, is Tom being insulted that I'm reading rather than talking to him.

Sorry, dear.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I Got A #FrostyVoxBox From Influenster

**I was sent a box from Influenster. My opinions are my own**

For those who don't know, Influenster is this awesome site where you can sign up to receive a box of fabulous items.

I did this recently for the first time and got a Frosty Vox Box filled with all sorts of goodies:

Natalie wanted to take the entire box for herself:

"You don't like makeup like I do!"

It's true. I don't wear it very often.

The box contained the following:

--An ecotools Hair Brush:

--McCormick Gourmet Thyme:

I'm told it's tasty on chicken.

--Fruit Vines Bites:

They have a delicious flavor. I recommend them as a snack. And they are low fat if you have been partaking in too many Christmas cookies.

--Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover:

Natalie will use this more often than I will. She tries to leave the house looking like a tart and I won't let her.

--NYC Expert Last Lip Color in Sugar Plum:

Natalie's all, "This is mine! This is mine!"

It's a pretty color. She put it on herself. She's better with makeup than I am.

--Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner:

This I kept for myself. I needed new eyeliner. It helps me look less tired. I loved the name. Scandaleyes.

--Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Green Tea:

I love tea and I love peppermint flavors. I was eager to try this. It was pretty good. I don't get the point in decaffeinated stuff though. Natalie enjoyed it too. She loved the smell.

As you see, I got to try all sorts of goodies. If you want to apply for your own box, sign up with Influenster. You might get lucky!

Friday, December 19, 2014

I Don't Like Baking With My Kids

"I'm going to throw some flour on top of this," Natalie said.

I was like:

Well. The words, not so much.

The expression?


Natalie felt the need to put flour everywhere: the cookies. The cookie sheet. The counter. Her head. ("I'm pretending it's snow!") The floor.

She's the same way with glitter, so I shouldn't have been surprised.

A lot of people post blog posts of smiling children baking Christmas cookies in the kitchen with them.

There's a lot of shouting in our kitchen, mostly because Natalie decides to do her own thing. For instance, she will begin painting her nails with the icing. She'll take a bite of the cookie she has been decorating and put it in the container for someone else to eat. I'll let her roll out the dough and she'll do it so hard that everything will stick to the rolling pin.

I'm like:

Tommy's all, "Natalie just licked her fingers and is still frosting the cookie." Then he'll gag when she puts the cookie in the container. He doesn't like other people's germs.

So I have one child throwing baking products in the air like confetti.

I have another one completely grossed out.

And then someone is like, "Is that SMOKE coming from the oven? What's that smell?"

Or, "The gingerbread house just fell apart."

It's chaotic. Things break. People cry.

Maybe it'll be better in a few years?


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Not Waiting For Sales! No Coupons!

Tom gave me an early Christmas present. (A Grumpy Cat hat in case you couldn't tell.)

And I know I shouldn't have, but I checked the receipt. I mean, it fell to the ground when I pulled the hat out. I couldn't help it. He paid $40 for the hat. Why? A) he didn't wait for it to go on sale. And B) he paid for two day shipping.

This is why I dread making a Christmas list for him. He won't wait for sales! He won't use coupons!

In his man mind he's all, "I'll go into a store. Buy what I need. And be done with it."

I do no operate like this. I shop armed with coupons. I wait for sales.

We went to Kohls together and he started to search a rack with items that WERE FULL PRICE! For those who know Kohls, sometimes everything isn't on sale. You NEVER buy the stuff NOT on sale. But Tom was like, "I need pants. I like these pants. These pants are right here in front of me. Why not get these pants?"


He doesn't like dealing with the "fuss." This is what he calls coupons. Fuss. Back in the day before we realized it would send us into an early separation, we went grocery shopping together. He'd toss in this and that and I'd be like, "STOP! I don't have a coupon for that brand. Get the other brand." And he'd be like, "But I don't like that brand." I'd say, "It tastes the same and I have a coupon for fifty cents off." Tom, stubborn man as he is, would dig into his pocket, pull out fifty cents, hand it to me and go, "There. We're good now."

Needless to say, we rarely grocery shop together anymore.

Christmas time means he buys stuff for me. Full price. No sales. No coupon.


I know it's the thought that counts. But I could have gotten the Grumpy Cat hat for $20. SHIPPED. But he saw the option for two day shipping and was like, "Why not?"

When I make my list, I try to make notes like, "Wait until this time. It might go on sale then." Or if something on my list goes on sale, I let him know. But sometimes he does nothing about it, because he's not in the mood to shop. In his man mind, he'll shop when he feels like it and get it all done at once. Who cares about sales?

I swallow back my hysteria. I know with each gift I opened, that he paid full price. Maybe with two shipping, because the option was there.

But, you know.

It's the thought that counts...

And he does get me pretty awesome things.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have been a little shocked to hear tornado sirens on Sunday. It's an adventure living in Oklahoma! (We were fine. The tornado was to the north of us.)

--To be leaving for Texas on Monday to celebrate Christmas with my parents.

--To have made a reservation for a Brazilian Steakhouse in Texas. Tom and I are going on a date. I've never been to a Brazilian Steakhouse, but he has.

--To also hope Tom and I can see The Interview while we are in Texas. It looks amusing.

--To have tried to take the kids to see Santa at Bass Pro Shop on Sunday. Apparently all of Oklahoma had the same idea. The line was insane! So we said never mind and went to Denny's.

--To have finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy. Yes, that WAS Kirk from Gilmore Girls hanging out with the blue guy.

--To have two giveaways going on: you can win a custom teeth whitening tray here and an Annie Prize pack here.

--To love that Santa showed up in a police car at the squadron Christmas party. (Husband is security forces.)

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, December 15, 2014

Am I Doing Elf On The Shelf Wrong?

We have an Elf on the Shelf.

It freaks me out.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing it wrong as I browse other blog posts or Pinterest.

For instance, most return letters are sweet:

Ours was like this:

A lot of people have their elf doing cute stuff:

Our elf does stuff like this:

More cutesy ideas:

(Is that paint? Too messy! Too messy! We prefer easy stuff! And sometimes Elf on the Shelf ideas are listed as easy, and it's like 4 steps. No thanks, guys. Not easy. Easy is sticking the dang elf on the Christmas tree, thanks.)

Meanwhile, our Elf is all:

Cutesy non-easy idea because you have to get crap set up:

Our elf:

Most fanatical elf people have a toy on each blade with the underwear neatly fluffed. After two, my arms hurt, I nearly fell over and broke my neck, so I was like, "Done." 

Oh, and we can touch our elf:

I posted this online and you'd think I shared a photo of the guy who played Mini Me in the Austin Powers movies streaking or something. People were beside themselves and were like, "She's TOUCHING THE ELF?" Um, yes. 

There are all sorts of things online about how to rescue an elf that has been touched. I am not joking. There are recovery letters. Recovery. Letters. I'm all for giving a kid magic, but that's pushing it for me. 

So yes, while we do the elf, we do it in an easy way.

(Really easy. Not fake 4-steps-to-complete easy.)

Do you have an Elf On The Shelf? 

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