Friday, October 24, 2014

6 Ways My Son Is Like Sheldon From The Big Bang Theory

I've seen a lot of Autism Parents do a post like this so I have no idea who to credit. But I just wanted to mention that I did NOT come up with this on my own. Thank you to all the people who wrote a post similar to this because it gave me inspiration! (If interested, I also wrote about what living with someone with autism taught me here.)

My son Tommy has Aspergers. He is a lot like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

1. I've had to remind him from the time he was tiny that it's polite to ask people how they are doing. Otherwise he'd either just stand there and stare, or leap into a subject he's interested in. For instance, if he met you, he'd either stare or launch into how cool he thinks cumulus clouds are. But then he'd remember, oh right, social skills, even though social skills irk him.

2. He takes things literally. So if you say, "Give me a minute," he expects that it'll take no more than 60 seconds. Otherwise he's all, "This is more than a minute." If I say, "I'm having a ball!" he'll say, "I don't see a ball anywhere."

3. He prefers to be online rather than have to interact with people. Online he doesn't have to worry about social skills and if he's making proper eye contact or if he's freaking someone out by rambling on about tornados and how many people a tornado killed when it hit Oklahoma. 

4. He's obsessed with building online followers.He has a YouTube account and gets excited when he sees another follower. He wants people to like him and he knows that's more likely to happen online because he's socially awkward in real life.

5. He's blunt. If he's not interested, he'll either tell you or look extremely bored. Or he'll cut in and start talking about a subject he enjoys. He's gotten better about this, but sometimes I still have to remind him to listen to others and not say, "I just don't care about that." 

6. He doesn't like change. He's better at handling it now, but when he was little, the slightest change in his classroom would throw him off. His teachers would tell me it was like he'd scan the room the second he entered, and if something were different, he'd obsess about it. If I get something new for the house, he notices right away. If I make dinner but use different ingredients, he knows and he's not pleased.

And yes, Tommy likes Sheldon. Sheldon cracks him up.

And like Sheldon, Tommy is awesome.


  1. I like Sheldon. My son loves that show to no end. And I think your son Tommy is pretty awesome too!

  2. My ex husband is so much like Sheldon.Its crazy the similarities.

  3. I'm glad is like Sheldon - he's a bright guy!

    I was thinking about "Brick Heck" for some reason... now there is someone I wouldn't want to "be like"!

  4. This is a great post! Your son sounds like a great kid, and Sheldon is pretty awesome.

    I know a bunch of autism parents and it's always eye opening when you get a glimpse into what it's like from your perspective.

  5. Awesome post! My parents watch this show all the time and are always like, "That's Drew!" I can see it too.

    One time I tried to change where the trash was in the kitchen and he kept moving it back. He was only about 4 at the time.

    I do hope changes get better as he gets older. It is hard for them a lot of time.

  6. Awesome post! My parents watch this show all the time and are always like, "That's Drew!" I can see it too.

    One time I tried to change where the trash was in the kitchen and he kept moving it back. He was only about 4 at the time.

    I do hope changes get better as he gets older. It is hard for them a lot of time.

  7. I would have to train myself with him, not to say, "Just a minute!" I say that to my kids constantly and of course, it usually means 20 minutes.
    I remember one of the first kids I met with Autism when I was already an adult. I was delivering pizza and this kid was about eight or so and he was talking very specifically about toys, which I was down with, and I told him very specifically about the ones I had.

    To make a long story short, what to me was just an enjoyable conversation was very meaningful to his mother. She ran after me to my car and put some more bills in my hand and said two things:

    1. "You're the only pizza deliverer who actually put the blue cheese in with the cold soda. I HATE when they put it with the pizza." (umm...logic)

    2. "You're one of the only people who speaks so well to my son. Thank you."

    Warmed the heart for life.

  8. I've got a husband AND a son like Sheldon :) It makes for an interesting household!

  9. I saw a meme the other day that was a picture of Sheldon. It read "Autism: Stop laughing at it." That is kind of true! But in a way, maybe the show humanizes it a little. The show's writers don't want to say that he's on the spectrum but the actor who plays Sheldon has said he thinks the character definitely is. Maybe the writers were inspired by someone they knew who is autistic or has Asperger's? Your son sounds charming! Sheldon is lovable for all of those reasons you listed, I think. I had a friend once who would be talking to you on the phone and say, "I'm through talking to you now." You have to kind of admire that kind of bluntness!

  10. I've never even see Big bang theory, but I KNEW that this would be a great post! I love it!!! And I love how your blog brings awareness to autism, and also "normalizes" it. I think Tommy is pretty awesome too, and I've never even met him...thanks to his awesome mom!

  11. I think that Sheldon is funny and very real - I think that Tommy is 100% authentic because he doesn't know how to be any different - we could all learn a lot from being that way:)

  12. I love no#3 and #4. He fits right in with most of us bloggers on those! Very cool! :)

  13. I have a Sheldon at my house. Like your's he loves to play online games too. Has a hard time showing love to his sisters, and is very blunt. I love your post.

  14. This is great. Tommy rocks, just like Sheldon!

  15. Big Bang is our favorite show. Sheldon shows his softer side every once in a while. That's so cute that Tommy wants more followers.

  16. Sheldon is the BOMB. My husband is a lot like Sheldon, strangely enough. I would be totally ok with having a little Sheldon for a son. Love your posts - they always make me laugh on Saturday mornings.

  17. Visiting from SITS! I love GIFs, too. Have you seen Guardians of the Galaxy? I bet your son can relate to one of the characters, who is totally literal. I'd also point you towards Adrienne at The Mommy Mess who's teen is on the spectrum. I love her writing.

  18. I love this! My older brother has Aspergers too, and my mom and I are always saying he's like Sheldon! Fortunately he loves the show too so doesn't really mind ;)

  19. Sheldon is the best, and so therefore must be your son. :)

  20. I think Sheldon has a lot of traits that people could have in common with him whether or not they are on the spectrum. After the Friendship Algorithm episode, I was making dinner one night and my younger son, who was 4 at the time, was asking what I was making and then said "I don't like that. What else are we having?" We kept going in circles about that. He also has some other mannerisms of Sheldon's that I notice from time to time. Like being literal about time, for instance. My older son is blunt. Anyway, this was a fun post to read.

  21. I'm with Tommy... socializing online is way better than socializing in person! hahahaha

  22. I have never seen the show, but I have used Sheldon as a reference when describing his behavior as someone with high functioning Autism.

    The literalism is so funny it cracks me up sometimes. We have told him he needs to stay in bed until 6 a.m. He will have a break down if he sleeps until 6:01 a.m.

  23. My oldest, Colin, isn't autistic (though we suspected he might be and he actually went through a bunch of testing last year to rule it out). But people are FOREVER telling me how much he reminds me of Sheldon. I've never seen the show, so I'm never sure whether or not to take it as a compliment! Ha!

  24. I think you're right to be restricting the Internet at his age, but it's also great that he can start to find a community online. Nice post.

  25. I have seen this type of comparison made on other blogs before and I like them each time. I like that Tommy is a keen observer, I'm super oblivious and hardly notice shit and it gets me in trouble from time to time. I need a Tommy!

  26. It's funny - I read some of those things and thought that's just like me!!! I definitely tend to go towards being online because I figure it's more likely people will like me. Tommy sounds like fun to me!

  27. Lol. He also reminds me of Castiel from Supernatural! The bluntness and "I don't see a ball anywhere." Love it.

  28. I like Sheldon, a very cool dude. I am sure your son's super cool too. By the way, I like the way you put GIFs in the post. I need to figure out how to do that.

    Lorna at

  29. This is a very cool comparison. I think it's awesome that there is someone in the media that our kids can look up to and see themselves in. It's always great to see yourself represented and this list is awesome!

  30. I think your son is awesome. Aspergers or not he is great and I love sheldon cooper. I think he is unique is his own way..

  31. He is so awesome! what is his YouTube channel?

    1. It's here:

  32. This is great!! It's truly special to see that he enjoys Sheldon's character too! We all do, so it's not even just people "alike" who can like Sheldon - that says something! Everyone's quirks can be lovable to all people!

  33. I work at a school that serves students on the spectrum. I love working with my students, they are the best group I have ever worked with. Such a great post on World Autism Awareness Day!

  34. Your son Tommy has greatness written all over him, and his mum super rocks too!

  35. I love this list. While you my not be the first to do this, this is the first time I have seen it. I think using Sheldon, who is beloved by so many, to explain your son's quirks is great!

  36. I think it's amazing that you can take Tommy's quirks and turn them into things to love about him. My daughters both have issues - my oldest was diagnosed with ADHD, but has since learned to control the hyperactivity and impulse control issues to the point that we just think of it as ADD now. My youngest though - she's officially diagnosed with ADHD, but I tend to think this isn't entirely correct. I believe with all my heart that she is on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum, and as she begins to really notice (she's 7) how different she is from other people, it breaks my heart. I've been brainstorming positive sides to her quirks too, so this post actually gave me some great things to talk about with her.

  37. This is fantastic! Tommy sounds like a lovely boy. I think your list is so well thought out in the comparisons.

  38. This is too cute! I've never seed this show but your run down is adorable!

  39. I love sheldon and I love how you've related this to your family. The gifs were so spot on too.

  40. Sheldon is my favorite character on the show, I love his blunt sarcasm, totally just like me. Your son is totally awesome.

  41. My daughter loves Sheldon as well. Although I would be a little worried if she were more like him. Thankfully she does like to interact with people, and we haven't allowed that kind of screen time on computers or phones yet so she could socialize through there.

  42. My son is a lot like Sheldon as well. He is also an Aspie kid and has lots of trouble interacting with his peers. But one thing he does have is a sense of humor. He is starting to understand sarcasm and in my house, that's imperative.

  43. I like Sheldon. I think he's hilarious and witty. I think at some point if you're an introvert or if you have a difficult time socializing, you can totally relate to him.

  44. Sheldon is hilarious. My hubby used to watch this all of the time. I occasionally watch the re-runs. I bet your son is lots of fun.

  45. Hahaha too funny!!! Im actually reading this while watching Big Bang!

  46. Sheldon is absolutely hilarious. For him being a genius it cracks me up his lack of understanding of people's emotions and social norms. I always would just say well he says things we want to but are to polite to say. It was great seeing how to compared them.

  47. LOL! It's so funny! I'm sure you have a rockin' household!

  48. Hubby and the girls love Sheldon. I think it's because in many ways, they can relate. my son is the only family member with an ASD diagnosis, but pretty much all of us have at least some of the traits.

  49. I think your son is awesome, I love sheldon, he is definitely loveable

  50. I can't just stop laughing 😂.. The gifs are so hilarious.

    I'm off to YouTube to check him out.

  51. I think your son is incredible. And you're an incredible mum for seeing his strengths and challenges and celebrating them! You're a rockstar.

  52. I have never seen the show. I think your son is awesome. I can't just stop laughing ��.. The gifs are so hilarious.

  53. I adore Sheldon. As a teacher I had many Sheldons and I loved them all. So unique and their outlook was refreshing and honest.

  54. I think being blunt is a good thing. He knows what he wants and won't have any trouble getting roped into things he doesn't want to do.

  55. Sheldon has evolved over all these years as will your son as he grows older. We just need to learn they do things different and that is okay.

  56. I havent watched it yet but after reading your blog I am intrigued to do so. So good to bring this topic up.

  57. I love your son already. He sounds like quite the character and I hope he never stops being himself! <3 I'll have to lookout for his YouTube channel!

  58. I love children! He is such a funny character. You are right he is extremely blunt and I am too so I think we would get along very well. Your son sounds like an awesome guy!

  59. I didn't see many episodes of Big Bang Theory but in the few I did, I surely noticed Sheldon was kind of anti-social, but funny in the same way. I think your son is adorable if he is similar with Sheldon.

  60. I love that your son has a YouTube channel, he sounds awesome. Sheldon is one of my favourite TV characters. I like how you shared their similarities!

  61. I say again, your son is a fox. I hope that as he ages, he will get more comfortable around people, because he has all the attributes of a charmer. And-- we have 2 and 5 in common. lol

  62. I didn't watch the Big Bang theory but my friend is a fan of it. Reading your post makes me now relate Sheldon's personality. Now I am curious, I want to check some videos involving Sheldon.

  63. Big Bang Theory is one of my faves and Sheldon is my favorite character. I wish the producers would have identified Sheldon as having Autism rather than let viewers speculate on whether or not he does. I think it would help so many in the community and open conversations about Autism.

  64. I like sheldon, and mostly due to his bluntness. Your son does share similarities to him, as you mention, and he'll soon learn to interact with people around, more often.

  65. The Big Bang Theory is one of my favorite shows and Sheldon is my favorite actor in the show.

  66. I like The Big Bang Theory and watch it a lot. I would have never identified Sheldon as having aspergers, I think he is just a very smart unique person.

  67. This was such a cute post. I love how similar they are! Sheldon is a great character - very unique and smart!

  68. I can't blame your son Sheldon is Hilarious and funny guy. Another reason why I watch Bing Bang Theory, Sheldon is a great character of the show.

  69. Awesome post. I only watch the Bing Bang theory because of Sheldon. I find him blunt, yet funny and awesome. I enjoyed reading the comparisons between Sheldon and your son.

  70. This is great post, Sheldon is favorite character, your son is great kid, even my little guy who like internet and youtube.

  71. I love the Big Bang theory. Sheldon is a fantastic character. You’re son sounds pretty fantastic too

  72. I never seen the Big bang theory yet. but your son he's awesome. I will check this movie it looks fun and great movie :)

  73. I have never seen this show ever. The shows we love watching are cooking and home improvement related lol.

  74. I love sheldon he cuts through all the social conformity and says it how it is.

  75. My son is very much a Sheldon. He has no spectrum diagnosis, but I'm positive they bugged my house because my sons has a said a lot of the same things Sheldon says. He even pulled the "That's my spot." at our family reunion a few weeks ago.

  76. What a sweet post :) I think I need to get back into the Big Bang Theory. Do you watch the spin off show? Shelodon?

  77. Tommy is the man. I could totally see him pulling a Sheldon or two.

  78. I just love this post. Comparisons are great as you can see and relate the similarities. PS. Your son sounds awesome.

  79. I love Sheldon. I think it's cool that your son is so much like him. He's a super intelligent guy that America has fallen in love with!

  80. He is so funny, I love the show and Sheldon. Your son must be an amazing young man.

  81. You know, I started watching the Big Bang Theory when I was pregnant with my eldest daughter. Turns out, she has a lot of similarities with Sheldon, although she hasn't watched the show! Crazy, huh?

  82. I've never watched it but I am so curious about the show. And yes, your son is awesome and you are amazing!

  83. Hubby and I watch BBT all the time. So sad there's only one season left! But all the images you included and explanations make me think your son must be just as amazing as Sheldon's character.

  84. Tommy is awesome and I love how he embraces who he is. I also happen to love Sheldon and it's awesome that you can relate Tommy with Sheldon.

  85. wow, just learnt some things about autism. Will learn to relate better, everyone deserves love.

  86. Jim Parsons should be raped

  87. Jim Parsons should be murdered he is a sex offender


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